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Digital Presence and Influence

Feature: Apply strategies for everyone to talk about your business, customers, employees and suppliers.

Advantage: Bring people even closer to your business and delight them beyond the products.

Benefit: Increase sales opportunities and the recognition of your business.

We are a family owned and operated business.

We are a family owned and operated business.

Staying digitally present is not just making posts and keeping social networks moving. Being present requires time, knowledge and investment. The company may not invest, or invest little, and generate results, but it is a result in the very long term compared to when you invest. Influencing is another thing, it is getting people and the market to talk about your business for you. When other people talk about your business, the interest in it is much greater. Nobody likes people who boast about their own achievements.


Digital presence and influence are closely linked, but they are different from each other. The presence happens when the company communicates with its customers on social networks and on the internet. What the company tells the world, how it talks about its product and what it believes in. The digital influence happens when other people speak about the business for it. For this to happen, strategies are needed to influence and connect people to the business, going beyond the product.

Talk about me

The culture of the company is something that can contribute a lot with the influence of the business. Remember that now people are no longer just connected to products? They connect with the purpose and what the company believes. Getting customers and employees to talk about the company because of the culture is influencing the market.


Building a unique and business-like selection process is something that has increasingly influenced people to talk about the company, its selection method and the culture of the business. Selecting people connected with the company will make them speak well of the company and bring people even closer to it.

Brand and Market

The way the brand and the market communicates with customers and people in general determines how the company is present and influences people to get in touch with the business. Keep these two areas close to those who help the company appear on social media and influence people and you will have a machine to make customers.

Coaching the Team

Staying present on social media and influencing people to connect with the business and its products requires training. Presence and influence go far beyond regular postings and contact with the customer. This is a strategic area that can completely change the direction of your business.

Expansion and Franchises

With the whole structure well set up and the strategies defined, it is time to grow. Expanding your company to other branches or cities requires planning and investment. You need people who think and have the same values as you to maintain your business identity.

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